Our Board
Stephanie Woodley
Presiding Member
Jane Chrystal
Parent Representative
Phil Wheeler
Parent representative
Andrew Stoddart
Parent representative
Andrew Barton
Parent representative
Mark Jones
Andrew Lee
Student representative
Jess Melrose
staff Representative
The Role of the Board
The board is responsible for the governance of our school – for ensuring all the legal and compliance requirements, as stipulated by the Ministry of Education, are adhered to. We set the vision and strategic direction for the school, ensuring resources are available to achieve these goals. The long-term goals and annual targets for Bayfield are outlined in our Strategic Plan, and through a process of monitoring we review results and realign goals as necessary to meet the needs of our ākonga.
The last triennial election for the Bayfield Board was held in August 2022, and we have opted into a mid-term election cycle (for 2 parent representatives), which will be held 18 months after the triennial election. The student representative is elected by the student body on an annual basis in September each year to sit on the Board for the following year. The Board can also co-opt members for specific projects as required.
The Board is not involved with the day-to-day running of the school. Instead, it is the responsibility of our principal in conjunction with the senior leadership team and all of our staff to ensure the school operates efficiently on a day-to-day basis.
Please do not hesitate to contact BOT@bayfield-high.school.nz if you have any feedback or concerns.
Board Documents
Strategic Plan
Following consultation with our whānau, ākonga and staff early in 2023, we have developed our strategic plan which sets out what we wish to achieve for the period 2023–2025. This is a living document, which we are able to update and adapt to ensure it is fit for purpose to ensure the best outcomes for our ākonga and community.
Annual Report
Each year the Board prepares an annual report, which informs and reports to the Ministry of Education, whānau and the wider community. This document shows how the Board has applied its financial resources to achieve the goals set out in our strategic plan.
Education Review Office Report
ERO is a government agency which provides monitoring and evaluation of New Zealand schools – schools are generally reviewed on average once every three years.
Our Policies
Policies and bylaws are used by the Board to govern the school, along with process documents which outline how policies will be implemented. We use SchoolDocs, an online policy service, which enables easy access to our policy documents. To enter the site you need the username bayfield-high and the password is 382.