School Information A to Z

We’ve gathered together all the useful information you need as a student or parent.  Our Parent Handbook is a great source of information.  


If a student is absent parents are asked to contact the school and report that absence. Simply ring the school and you will be directed to the absence phone system. You then give the name of the student and their reason for absence.


School hours are 8.35am to 3.00pm. If a student is late they must sign in at the Student Office.

School times are as follows: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday

8.35 – 8.50 Tutor Time
8.50 – 9.50 Period 1
9.50 – 10.50 Period 2
10.50 – 11.10 Interval
11.10 – 12.05 Period 3
12.05 – 1.00 Period 4
1.00 – 1.45 Lunch
1.45 – 2.05 School-wide reading – USSR
2.05 – 3.00 Period 5

Wednesday Only

No Tutor Time – School starts at 9.00
9.00 – 9.55 Period 1
9.55 – 10.50 Period 2
10.50 – 11.10 Interval
11.10 – 12.05 Period 3
12.05 – 1.00 Period 4
1.00 – 1.45 Lunch
1.45 – 2.05 School-wide reading – USSR
2.05 – 3.00 Period 5

Friday Only

8.35 – 9.30 Period 1
9.30 – 10.25 Period 2
10.25 – 10.50 School assembly or House assembly or extended tutor time
10.50 – 11.10 Interval
11.10 – 12.05 Period 3
12.05 – 1.00 Period 4
1.00 – 1.45 Lunch
1.45 – 2.05 School-wide reading – USSR
2.05 – 3.00 Period 5

Wednesday 8.15am – 9.00am staff development.


Students who wish to buy their lunch or have a snack may do so through the school canteen which is located behind C Block.  The canteen is open each interval and lunch time.  The food is designed to be healthy as well as nutritious.

Career Planning

Bayfield High School places a high expectation on students planning for the future.  All students in the junior school are encouraged to set learning goals.


Our approach is to adopt the mandated approach of “away for the day”, meaning cellphones either do not come with the student to school, or are switched off and left in school bags (not pockets).

Common Room

There are two Common Rooms in the school. The Year 13 Common Room is in the Study Centre. The Pathways Centre in B Block is for Year 12.


Bayfield High School is fully equipped with computers. All students have access to computers in their day to day learning – including student access to the internet and email. A student and parent must agree to and sign our acceptable user policy.


Counselling is provided for all students in a variety of ways. For everyday issues there are the Tutor Teacher and the House Dean.

The school maintains a full-time Counsellor whom students can make appointments to see at any time.

Other counselling for such things as careers or learning difficulties are done as part of a student’s normal working day.


The bicycle racks are at the back of the school off Shore Street. Students are able to ride bicycles to school but they must wear a helmet.


Students are required to do homework. It is an integral part of the school curriculum that is used to reinforce and extend work done at school. It provides practice and self-discipline. Amounts will vary depending upon subjects and topics being taught.

Year 9 and 10 students may be required to do up to one and half hours of homework each night. Each subject will set about 15-20 minutes of homework or revision for each period taught.

Years 11, 12 and 13 students should have homework not exceeding half an hour per subject per night (two and a half hours). Students are expected to use this time to complete assessment tasks, assignments, and revision in order to fulfil course requirements.


The school is divided into five Houses. These Houses consist of approximately 120 students each. Each House is named after a local identity, Somerville, Anderson, Herron, Begg, Ross.

Each House is looked after by a Dean. A student is known by the House they are in and the Tutor Group within that House eg AJf.


Students are expected to be at school on time.

If a student is late they must sign in at the Student Office and obtain an entry pass for their next class. Students coming late to school should bring a note. If a student is late three times without a parent note a detention will be issued.

Lost and Found

All students are asked to name their clothing and equipment very carefully.

Lost property is generally passed into the Student Office and can be asked for at any time.

Lunch Pass

Students may obtain a lunch pass to go to have lunch at their own homes only. If a student has a lunch pass it is recorded on their ID card. Temporary passes may also be obtained from their Dean for special occasions.

Parent Teacher Interviews

If you would like to contact your son or daughter’s teacher, you are welcome to ring the school or email the teacher directly.

A Parent / Teacher interview evening will be held in the hall following the issuing of reports (usually week 2 of the following term).  Students are encouraged to attend with their parents / caregivers.

Interviews will be available 3:30pm – 5:30pm and 6:30pm – 8:30pm, and can be booked on our online interview booking system.  This is a fast and simple way of getting the times that best suit you. 

The week before the interviews take place we send the interview link to you with an access code.  Interview times will be emailed to you once you have completed the online booking process.

If you have any difficulty using the site or do not have a computer or internet access, please phone the school office to make your bookings manually.

Payment Details

Our bank account details are: Bayfield High School, 06 0901 0226250 00. Please use your son or daughter’s name as a reference.

Peer Support

This programme provides senior students with the opportunity to help junior students. Each Tutor Group has seniors in it who are trained in peer support. In addition there are student support groups which students can go to at any time.

Reporting to Parents

Reports are issued twice a year for all students.

School Council

The Student Council is designed to give students a say in the running of the school.

The Student Council is made up of Year 13 students representing each of the prefect groups, and the Head students. The Chair of the Council is selected from this group. The function of the Council is to ensure the voice of students is heard.

School Donation

School donation is $120 for the first child in the family and $60 for any additional children in the same family.

Additional fees may be charged for sports and some courses where work can be taken home eg. workshop technology. It is however the policy of the school to ensure no student is disadvantaged because of lack of money. Where there is a concern the counsellor or the principal should be contacted.


Our stationery lists can be found on this website under the Enrolment Tab. They are located at the bottom of the Enrolment Information page or a copy can be obtained from the office. The school does not run its own stationery shop and parents are urged to purchase their stationery from retailers using the school list.

Student Office

The Student Office is located in the rear of the administration block and handles all student queries, first aid, payment of accounts, signing in/out, lateness, general student inquiries and referrals.

Te Waka Whaikaha

The centre is designed for students experiencing difficulties in learning or behavioural difficulties. Students in the centre gain individual tuition. If you wish to know more about the programmes in this centre, contact the school and ask for the centre.

Tobacco, Drugs, Alcohol and Vapes

Tobacco, drugs, alcohol and vapes are forbidden at school or at any event in which the school participates, or when a student is in school uniform. All students who are caught with drugs or alcohol will be treated very seriously indeed.


Bayfield High School expects all students to be neat and tidy. There is a uniform and dress code.  Uniforms are available from the NZ Uniform Shop in Moray Place.

We hold a second hand uniform sale in the hall on the 3rd Saturday in January. Families wishing to purchase have the opportunity to meet with sellers and make a deal. Details of the sale are emailed to parents.

We have a small supply of second hand uniform for purchase during the year. Please contact the school office.


Students with licenses are allowed to bring their vehicle to school. Permission must be obtained from the Deputy Principal. The student parking is at the Bayfield Park Reserve carpark.