The Bayfield school values are the foundation on which we look to build a culture of holistic education.
We believe that collectively they can help our students to RISE up to be great members of our community. These are the four pou on which our kura is built.
Whakaute | Respect
respect, to show respect, tend for and prepare
Mana Tangata | Integrity
power and status accrued through one’s leadership talents, human rights, mana of people
Manaakitanga | Service
hospitality, kindness, generosity, the process of showing respect and care for others
Kounga/Kairangi | Excellence
quality, excellence, standard, aesthetically pleasing / anything held in high esteem
Cultural Narrative
Our cultural narrative recognises the historical relationship between the area and its mana whenua. The information in this document is from the Kāi Tahu iwi, with a focus on Otago and the area Bayfield High School is in. It describes what is unique about the place and the people our school is part of, building a common understanding of traditional and spiritual connections, heritage and values.