Our approach is to adopt the mandated approach of “away for the day”, meaning cellphones either do not come with the student to school, or are switched off and left in school bags (not pockets).
International research indicates some key challenges with cellphones at school, such as being a major distraction for our students. These rules are designed to ensure that the learning of all students is maximised, while minimising any potential for distraction and cyber-bullying. Our approach is to adopt the mandated approach of “away for the day”, meaning cellphones either do not come with the student to school, or are switched off and left in school bags (not pockets).
If a student does bring their cellphone for emergency contact or health reasons, these must be switched off and kept in bags at all times.
It is important to note that if students do make the decision to bring a cellphone to the school grounds, they do so at their own risk. The school is not responsible for any loss or damage caused to any cellphone.
We understand that some parents like their children to have a phone to communicate with them after school. Students will be able to use their cellphones once the school day has finished at 3pm. If a parent or caregiver needs to contact their child urgently during the day, they should call the office or contact their child via their school email address.
This is only a minor change to our current approach of cellphones not being allowed in class.
We are proposing that the change commences on Monday 11th March. Following this proposed date any devices in public use that do not have an exemption will be confiscated and held at the school office. The device will then be retrieved by the student after school and the inappropriate use recorded in KAMAR. Repeated breach of the expectations is dealt with using the current framework shown below.
First breach – Cellphone confiscated and returned at the end of the day*.
Second breach – Cellphone confiscated and returned at the end of the day* and a letter will be sent home.
Third Breach – Cellphone confiscated and retained in the school safe until a Parent/ Caregiver comes in to collect.
* The end of the day time is 3:10pm in order to allow senior staff who are teaching to return to the admin area.
Cellphones ‘away for the day’ Exemptions
Learning, Health and emergency situations
Students with additional documented learning needs who use cellphones in class to increase or improve their ability to participate and learn will be granted an exemption eg students who have English as a second language and use cellphones to translate.
In matters related to a student’s immediate health and safety concerns, a parent or caregiver can apply at any time through the Dean for an exemption (e.g., medical conditions or protection issues).
Education outside the classroom (EOTC)
Students may take certain digital devices on EOTC activities due to safety but should check whether their device is allowed before the activity commences. Usage will be at the discretion of teachers and other adult supervisors.
Please note with all exemptions and exceptions appropriate usage guidelines and other relevant school rules still apply.
Please contact the school office by email for further information.